Editorial and Peer Review Process
The maintenance of the quality of the academic journals is Peer Review. During the practice of peer review, the research paper is analyzed from all perspectives by the experts.
1. Paper Submission
The research content is submitted through email or online system
2. Role of Editorial Office
The research content is supervised and thoroughly checked by the team of Editorial Board to confirm that the content is according to the needs of journal. Through pledge scanner, it is also ensured that the content does not have any similarity with any other work.
3. Evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief
The content is rechecked by the editor-in-Chief to see the quality and uniqueness of the content. If this thing lacks, the content will be rejected and wouldn’t be processed further.
4. Paper sent for peer review
The section editor is assigned to the paper who handles the peer review.
5. Selection of reviewers
The reviewers are the experts in the domain of the research paper. Minimum of 2 reviewers are selected by sending the invitations. The acceptance or rejection of invitation depends upon the expert. Double blind review process is followed in which both the author and the reviewer are unknown to each other.
6. Paper review
The paper is reviewed numerous times by the reviewer. The research content can be rejected even after the first review if the impression of the content is not according to the author or there is some major challenge in the content. In case, the content is appropriate, the reviewer will read the paper again to create a detailed review over the content. Now, the reviewer will submit the review with the opinion of getting it published or reject it. The reviewer can also ask for a final reconsideration before the paper gets published.
7. Consideration of reviews
The recommendations and opinions given by the reviewer are considered by the editor who is handling the journal. There can be a chance of considering another reviewer to get another opinion if the reviews differ broadly.
8. Transfer of decision
The editor (or the team) transfers the decision through mail along with the appropriate comments of the reviewer.
9. Final procedure
The paper is sent for publication if it is accepted by the editorial board. If there are some minor changes, the handling editor handles it himself/ herself. The comments of the reviewer are also attached so that the author can make changes according to the reviews. If according to the reviews, a lot of changes are required then a new copy is expected by the reviewer. The reviewer is also informed about the result of their comments and reviews.